Hey all, I've been thinking of whom I should study in preparation for the BofM Feast. So I thought I would share my process in a few installments, in case it might help you. I was reading the other day about Mormon's concern that his son Moroni would survive the destruction of the Nephites long enough to write more about Christ and preserve the record. Moroni is one person from the BofM who has appeared in our dispensation, playing a central role in the Restoration; so he is the great link from their time to ours. And that intrigued me. Also Sis. Dalton spoke of Moroni last Saturday in the General YW Broadcast, which strengthened my resolve to study him. She said he is a symbol of our faith, one who beckons us to come to the temple, and an example of arising and shining forth because "in a very degenerate society, he remained pure and true."
Remember to be thinking about the character or story that you will study in preparation for the Feast! Your leaders will be asking you about your choices soon.
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