Lauren is doing great! I know it's waaaaaaaaaay different not having her in YW but she says her tiny ward in Michigan is really great. Apparently they have to give a talk and a musical number about every week, but their ward mom takes them to Home evening and stuff. Every time we talk she sounds really happy and psyched for everything. She's practicing a ton (obviously, haha) and she comes home in FOUR WEEKS! YES.
And that's all.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Notes from Sis. Chris: Wednesday, 6 June 2012
written this even before leaving you at camp, but even in advance I’m feeling
the way I always feel when I leave you; kind of sad and kind of nervous, and
kind of like my family is incomplete. I’m
also feeling like I always do when I think about you; very confident and
hopeful. You are so capable and good. I
have been greatly blessed to love you and feel like you are part of my family
even though I know we aren’t really related.
I’m also
blessed to know your real families and I love them too. I know each of your
families has strengths and weaknesses, peaceful times and times of contention,
good memories and sad ones. I also know
that there are times when you don’t feel that your families really understand
you or your desires. And, you’re right,
sometimes they don’t, but your Heavenly Father does. And, he understands your parents and
siblings, and grandparents, and aunts and uncles and cousins, even though
sometime you don’t.
Sisters of the OH1 YW |
illuminated my life in so many beautiful ways. I can hardly wait until I see
you again tomorrow!
Love you!
Sis Chris
Notes from Sis. Chris: Thursday, 7 June 2012
Just two
days ago we kicked off camp by celebrating the birthdays of two people we
love. Remember the candles and the way
they each burned with their own light. Birthday candles are not very big and their flames don’t reach very far,
but even one candle can give us a feeling of celebration and pleasure. And, if that one candle were surrounded by
darkness it alone would be enough to guide us to a place. One small candle can make a big difference.
I know
that sometimes you may feel like your light is small and maybe not worth
much. I feel that way about myself
sometimes too. But those feelings are
very, very wrong. Just like a small birthday candle when lit, our light can
make a big difference for someone. Our
little light can be the source that turns sad to happy, lost to found, alone to
loved. Your light is unique. If it’s not
lit, there is none to replace it and darkness expands its territory.
better, think of what our little light can do when combined with the light of
those around us. Sister Dalton said that
you are the ‘‘one bright shining hope of the future” and that “these are your
days, and now is the time for young women everywhere to 'arise and shine forth
that thy light may be a standard for the nations.'”
light matters greatly in a world that is growing darker by the day.
Blake and I will be with you this afternoon. To find the camp site again all I have to do is look for your light.
Love you!
Sis Chris
Notes from Sis. Chris: Tuesday, 5 June 2012
I love to
look at you. I know I see more than you
see when you look in the mirror. You may see a kink in your hair that shouldn’t
be there, or that your eye lashes are too short or that there’s a pimple in a
conspicuous place or that your shirt isn’t the style you wish it were. You may
even see that you don’t look like someone else and judge that since they look
beautiful you must not. I’m not saying
that those things don’t matter because they do, but only a little bit. As
daughters of God we represent him both in what we think, say and do and how we
look. However, some of the things we like least or like most about our outward
appearance are only distractions from who we really are. It’s very hard to look past the mirror and see
what’s real. But, even though you may not see it, you can feel it and, if you
listen closely, you can hear it. Through
the Holy Ghost, Heavenly Father will tell you.
And, when
you hear and feel it, it will illuminate you in a way that is so real and so
profound that it will be undeniably visible to others. Part of what they will see is your smile, and
you’ll be smiling a lot! You may still only hear and feel the light, but others
will see and be guided to it. It’s the
best make-up in the universe! And, only
those who look past the mirror can wear it. I hope that this time at camp is a time where mirrors only help you get
the dirt off and that your true beauty is evidenced in the light that comes from
knowing who you really are and living like that person really should live. I
hope that you will grow that light daily and carry it with you at all times and
in all things and in all places.
I love
you and can hardly wait to see and feel your light again in a few days.
Sis Chris
Sunday, May 27, 2012
More Music for Singing Trees
![]() |
Bring a coat to camp!! And remember that eating icicles will make you cold. |
Fireflies Camp Song
You would not believe your world
if seven young First Ward girls
all froze to death at girls camp this year
'cause we turned to icicles.
Just seven girl-sicles
and we might die but we won't live in fear.
'Cause we'd like to make ourselves believe
that pretty soon we can leave,
but we'd like to say that it's nice to stay,
because our cabin's like a home,
so the First Ward's partying at Mia Shalom [echo: Mia Shalom].
Left our door open just a crack
[don't take us away from here],
now we're just frozen maniacs
[don't take us away from here],
but we won't cry or beg or plead
[don't take us away from here],
'cause the spirit's too warm to let us freeze [echo: freeze X3].
Music for Singing Trees
This is the link to the pdf for the hymn that we are doing for singing trees on Wednesday, June 6th. We'll practice again next Sunday. We'll do just the melody lines in the duet part (Be Still My Soul and Where Can I Turn for Peace sung together).
This is the link to the pdf for the hymn that we are doing for singing trees on Wednesday, June 6th. We'll practice again next Sunday. We'll do just the melody lines in the duet part (Be Still My Soul and Where Can I Turn for Peace sung together).
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Happy 100th Birthday to YW Camp
The church has posted some fun history of YW camp, including old songs, recipes, and certification requirements. Look here: 100 Years of YW Camp
What do you think about reinstating the following requirement from the 1915 manual and letting Sis. Chris rest peacefully with a book in a hammock?
“Without help or advice, do all the camp cooking for one day, for four or more persons. Get the wood; furnish suitable character and amounts of food; write the menu, quantities and price of food.”
Only one more week 'til camp!!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Stake Girl's Camp Activity
Hi!! Sophie asked me to tell about what I learned at our stake activity. We did first aid training. We learned how to
about the four steps to take when someone has been in an acident.
1) Treat for serious inguries
2) Send for help.
3) Treat for shock.
4) Treat other inguries.
We also learned how to stop serious injuries, do the heimlich maneuver, and got our own first aid kits.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Packing List for Camp
Mia Shalom is at 9,000 ft. elevation on the Wasatch Plateau. Daytime temperatures in June will likely be comfortable but cool (average maximums in the high 60s). Rain is likely. Nighttime temperatures could plunge to the 30s, which makes for a cold trip to the biffy in the mornings!
Contact Sis. Auger if you need help finding these items. All gear except your sleeping bag & pillow must be at my house on June 4th.
**Departure: June 5th, 6:30 am @ Stake Center. Buses leave promptly @ 7 am—no waiting!**
**Return: June 9th, midmorning @ Stake Center**
Very Important
☐ Scriptures (print version)
☐ YW Camp Manual
☐ Journal/pens
☐ Good attitude, smiling face = Fun times
☐ Favorite song, story, game for campfire
General Items
☐ Flashlight
☐ Work gloves
☐ Pocket knife
☐ Camera (optional)
☐ Water bottle
☐ Backpack for day hike
Sleeping System
☐ Warm sleeping bag
☐ Sleeping pad
☐ Pillow
Clothes (Pack enough for 5 days.)
☐ Pajamas
☐ Sturdy shoes (bring an extra pair)
☐ Long pants (to the ankle)
☐ Underwear
☐ Shirts
☐ Socks
☐ Long-sleeved layers
☐ Jacket and Coat, Gloves, Hat
☐ Rain Poncho
Personal Stuff
☐ Medications listed on medical release
☐ First-aid kit
☐ Toothbrush & paste
☐ Comb/brush
☐ Sunscreen
Contact Sis. Auger if you need help finding these items. All gear except your sleeping bag & pillow must be at my house on June 4th.
**Departure: June 5th, 6:30 am @ Stake Center. Buses leave promptly @ 7 am—no waiting!**
**Return: June 9th, midmorning @ Stake Center**
Very Important
☐ Scriptures (print version)
☐ YW Camp Manual
☐ Journal/pens
☐ Good attitude, smiling face = Fun times
☐ Favorite song, story, game for campfire
General Items
☐ Flashlight
☐ Work gloves
☐ Pocket knife
☐ Camera (optional)
☐ Water bottle
☐ Backpack for day hike
Sleeping System
☐ Warm sleeping bag
☐ Sleeping pad
☐ Pillow
Clothes (Pack enough for 5 days.)
☐ Pajamas
☐ Sturdy shoes (bring an extra pair)
☐ Long pants (to the ankle)
☐ Underwear
☐ Shirts
☐ Socks
☐ Long-sleeved layers
☐ Jacket and Coat, Gloves, Hat
☐ Rain Poncho
Personal Stuff
☐ Medications listed on medical release
☐ First-aid kit
☐ Toothbrush & paste
☐ Comb/brush
☐ Sunscreen
Sunday, May 13, 2012
More Than You Wanted to Know About Fireflies!!
- Fireflies are not flies; technically, they are beetles. Take it from me---zoologists are not known for their especially accurate common names.
- There are nearly 2000 species worldwide. You'd think that we'd have at least one in Utah, but the only bioluminescent species we get here is a fungus. Be glad I didn't pick one that for the camp theme.
- Firefly light is produced by a chemical reaction fueled by good old ATP (remember your Biology!). The chemical is called luciferin (luc-i = light in Latin and fer = to bear or carry). Yes, one could have gospel questions about this.
- Fireflies use their lights for communication ("about what?" you ask. I'll tell you sometime.)
- Because our our own cells use ATP for energy, firefly chemicals are useful for studying human metabolic diseases. Scientists can detect the difference between healthy and unhealthy cells (in a petri dish) by observing how intensely the cells glow when luciferin is added.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
For our upcoming YW camp, each ward has chosen a different light source to use as a theme. We are fireflies---aka lightning bugs. To me, they are the essence of "the light within." Be thinking creatively about songs, cheers, inspiring stories, etc. that could incorporate fireflies.
To begin with, imagine sweet Sis. Broadbent telling these jokes, which easily could've been in her repertoire:
#1. A family was camping and Father told his little girl to go to bed before the mosquitoes came out. A little later, the girl started to cry.
"What's wrong, honey," he asked.
"Daddy, Daddy, the mosquitoes are coming after us with flashlights!!"
"What's wrong, honey," he asked.
"Daddy, Daddy, the mosquitoes are coming after us with flashlights!!"
#2. What's a firefly's favorite game?
Red light, green light!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Bishop's Challenge:
Do you guys think it's funny that I call him Bishop?
...anyways, lately I have been thinking about how he challenged us to find a few verses in the scriptures we read yesterday that we felt were written just for us at this time in our life.
Here's mine:
Mormon 9:9
For do we not read that God is the same yesterday, today and forever, and in him there is no variableness, neither shadow of changing?
Alma 38:5
And now my [daughter,] I would that ye should remember that as much as ye should put your trust in God, ever so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day.
Moroni 10:8
And again I exhort you, my brethren, that ye deny not the gifts of God, for they are many; and they come from the same God. And there are different ways that the gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all in all; and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God unto men, to profit them.
The feast was so meaningful to me and I am so grateful for all of your testimonies!
Ok, two things:
1. Please write down one or two scriptures that had an impact on you during the feast. You can make your own post or do it by clicking the Comment button down at the bottom of this one.
2. If you make your own post WITHOUT being asked, regardless of what it is or is about, I will make you cupcakes.
Oh bribery... :)
...anyways, lately I have been thinking about how he challenged us to find a few verses in the scriptures we read yesterday that we felt were written just for us at this time in our life.
Here's mine:
Mormon 9:9
For do we not read that God is the same yesterday, today and forever, and in him there is no variableness, neither shadow of changing?
Alma 38:5
And now my [daughter,] I would that ye should remember that as much as ye should put your trust in God, ever so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day.
Moroni 10:8
And again I exhort you, my brethren, that ye deny not the gifts of God, for they are many; and they come from the same God. And there are different ways that the gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all in all; and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God unto men, to profit them.
The feast was so meaningful to me and I am so grateful for all of your testimonies!
Ok, two things:
1. Please write down one or two scriptures that had an impact on you during the feast. You can make your own post or do it by clicking the Comment button down at the bottom of this one.
2. If you make your own post WITHOUT being asked, regardless of what it is or is about, I will make you cupcakes.
Oh bribery... :)
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Book of Mormon Feast: Catch Phrase!!
We had a Book of Mormon themed Catch Phrase fest last night. It was awesome to share fun together. I'm so impressed with your knowledge of the characters and concepts and with how fast you all were at playing the game. Way to go, Courtney, for walking up the hill to come!!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Book of Mormon Feast: Sis. Aug. Part 5
OK. This is random, but it seems healthy to laugh a little about ourselves. I hope someone among the youth chose to study this story about great mothers who taught their children where to look for salvation.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Book of Mormon Feast: Sis. Aug. Part 4
I've read lots about Moroni's teachings during my recent travels. Here are some principles he taught:
1. Order of the sacrament
2. Role of the Spirit in meetings of the saints
3. Words of his father Mormon on faith, hope, and charity
4. Words of his father on baptism and accountability
5. The nature of spiritual gifts
6. How to obtain a witness of the truth of his words
When I read Moroni's words this time I felt even more strongly than ever that he was really aware of us in these days and the challenges we would face. That made me feel loved by our Heavenly Father.
How are you feeling about the person or events you are reading about?
1. Order of the sacrament
2. Role of the Spirit in meetings of the saints
3. Words of his father Mormon on faith, hope, and charity
4. Words of his father on baptism and accountability
5. The nature of spiritual gifts
6. How to obtain a witness of the truth of his words
When I read Moroni's words this time I felt even more strongly than ever that he was really aware of us in these days and the challenges we would face. That made me feel loved by our Heavenly Father.
How are you feeling about the person or events you are reading about?
Sis. Chris and Sis. Aug Hard at YW Work
We saw amazing waterfalls, |
sunny white sand beaches, |
black sand beaches and deep gorges, |
grasslands at the tippy top of a cinder cone, |
colorful flowers, |
an active volcano, |
a lovely temple, |
gorgeous sunsets, |
and one of our beautiful young women! |
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Book of Mormon Feast: Sis. Aug. Part 3

Here are some questions that I need and want to answer to carry out my study:
1a. When will I commit to study the BofM specifically to prepare for the feast? Give yourself a few blocks of time. I have a few hours on the airplane coming up in April, so I'm going to dedicate some of that time to study.
1b. How will I record what I study? I prefer a written journal, but an audio/video record would also be great.
2. What are some specifics of Moroni's teachings and prophesying?
3. What did he want me to learn that is relevant for me and my time?
4. How did he handle his trials?
5. What things made him happy? What things made him sad?
Ask your own set of questions. Make them relevant to the elements of your testimony that you want to build. Remember that great talk by Brent Avery about Sampson a few weeks ago? That was a nice example of how to relate scriptural stories to your own life.
Book of Mormon Feast: Sis. Aug. Part 2

My first step in studying Moroni is to identify his place in the Book of Mormon and what events he was involved in. Fortunately has a great electronic resource that takes almost all the work out of this task, so I can get on with the actual study and still do all the rest of the stuff I have to do every day. Try The Guide to the Scriptures. It's written with complete narrative sentences and has hot links, so it's way cooler than trying to use the paper Triple Combination Index and Topical Guide.
Identify resources to help you in your study. Ask your leaders if you need ideas.
Book of Mormon Feast: Sis. Aug. Part 1

Hey all, I've been thinking of whom I should study in preparation for the BofM Feast. So I thought I would share my process in a few installments, in case it might help you. I was reading the other day about Mormon's concern that his son Moroni would survive the destruction of the Nephites long enough to write more about Christ and preserve the record. Moroni is one person from the BofM who has appeared in our dispensation, playing a central role in the Restoration; so he is the great link from their time to ours. And that intrigued me. Also Sis. Dalton spoke of Moroni last Saturday in the General YW Broadcast, which strengthened my resolve to study him. She said he is a symbol of our faith, one who beckons us to come to the temple, and an example of arising and shining forth because "in a very degenerate society, he remained pure and true."
Remember to be thinking about the character or story that you will study in preparation for the Feast! Your leaders will be asking you about your choices soon.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Just some stuff that has been going on--bear hunting, basketballing etc.
Please remember to keep Courtney in your prayers!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Beautiful Courtney
Look at her she looks amazing... Courtney is doing fine I saw her today and she was totally herself just a little tired than you usual... but she is doing really well but still of corse needs our love and our prayers! She would love to see you but just not at the same time...
Monday, February 20, 2012
What we did:
And I'm sure y'all are sooooo jealous.
Those of you who came, I have a message for you: YOU ARE PRIME.
Those of you who came, I have a message for you: YOU ARE PRIME.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Happy Homemaking
As promised here is the cookie recipe I made for the beehives today in church.
Chocolate & Butterscotch Chip Pretzel Cookies
Makes 24 cookies
Makes 24 cookies
- 1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour
- 1/2 tsp. of salt
- 1/4 tsp. of baking soda
- 1/2 cup of butter at room temperature
- 1/2 cup of tightly packed light brown sugar
- 1/3 cup of granulated sugar
- 1 egg (beaten)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 cup milk chocolate chips
- 1/2 cup butterscotch chips
- 1/2 cup broken up pretzel pieces
- Kosher Salt
- In a medium bowl, sift together the flour, baking soda, and salt. Set aside.
- In a larger bowl, beat the butter and sugars together on medium speed until light and fluffy (about 2-3 minutes). On low speed, slowly add the beaten egg and vanilla extract. Beat to combine, scrape down the sides of the bowl.
- Add the flour mixture and beat just until there are no more streaks of flour. Stir in the chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, and pretzels.
- Preheat the oven to 350F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper. Scoop out well rounded tablespoonfuls of the dough and sprinkle with kosher salt. Leave about 2 inches between each ball. Bake for 10 minutes. If you prefer crispier cookies increase the baking time by 1-2 minutes. Allow the cookies to cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before removing.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Runs in a circular motion
On Sunday we all had a lesson about happiness and joy. Thanks to Sis Chris. I have been thinking of my favorite things. It is actually surprisingly addicting!
Sooooo with out further a few favorite things.

Sooooo with out further a few favorite things.

What is floating your boat these days?
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Lessons from the Radio Receiver

1. Listening to the spirit takes diligence and faith. President Packer said, "Discovery of how the Holy Ghost works in your life is a question of a lifetime. If you have discovered this, then you can safely live in enemy territory [meaning the world]."
2. Keep the lines of communication open by living worthily so that you can successfully navigate your daily challenges with an eye toward Heavenly Father.
3. If necessary, turn down the volume of your life. Have times of pondering and stillness.
4. Remember the eternal perspective and record times when you feel the Spirit. What were you doing? How did it feel? What did you learn? What actions were you motivated to take? Did you feel the love of Heavenly Father?
A Short List of Great Scriptures About the Holy Ghost:
1 Kings 19:11-12 & 1 Nephi 17:45, How the Spirit sounds.
Galatians 5:22-23, Fruits of the Spirit.
2 Nephi 32:5, How scriptures can help.
John 14:26, Moroni 10:5, D&C 42:17, Ether 12:41---What the Spirit can do for you.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The purpose of this blog is to share things such as:
-Thoughts about lessons
-Scriptures you've read
-Pictures you've taken at activities
-Noteworthy things you've done
-Personal Progress
We hope you enjoy!
-Thoughts about lessons
-Scriptures you've read
-Pictures you've taken at activities
-Noteworthy things you've done
-Personal Progress
We hope you enjoy!
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