Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bishop's Challenge:

Do you guys think it's funny that I call him Bishop?
...anyways, lately I have been thinking about how he challenged us to find a few verses in the scriptures we read yesterday that we felt were written just for us at this time in our life.

Here's mine:
Mormon 9:9
For do we not read that God is the same yesterday, today and forever, and in him there is no variableness, neither shadow of changing?

Alma 38:5
And now my [daughter,] I would that ye should remember that as much as ye should put your trust in God, ever so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day.

Moroni 10:8
And again I exhort you, my brethren, that ye deny not the gifts of God, for they are many; and they come from the same God. And there are different ways that the gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all in all; and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God unto men, to profit them.

The feast was so meaningful to me and I am so grateful for all of your testimonies!
Ok, two things:
1. Please write down one or two scriptures that had an impact on you during the feast. You can make your own post or do it by clicking the Comment button down at the bottom of this one.
2. If you make your own post WITHOUT being asked, regardless of what it is or is about, I will make you cupcakes.

Oh bribery... :)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Book of Mormon Feast: Catch Phrase!!

We had a Book of Mormon themed Catch Phrase fest last night. It was awesome to share fun together. I'm so impressed with your knowledge of the characters and concepts and with how fast you all were at playing the game. Way to go, Courtney, for walking up the hill to come!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Book of Mormon Feast: Sis. Aug. Part 5

OK. This is random, but it seems healthy to laugh a little about ourselves. I hope someone among the youth chose to study this story about great mothers who taught their children where to look for salvation.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Book of Mormon Feast: Sis. Aug. Part 4

I've read lots about Moroni's teachings during my recent travels. Here are some principles he taught:
1. Order of the sacrament
2. Role of the Spirit in meetings of the saints
3. Words of his father Mormon on faith, hope, and charity
4. Words of his father on baptism and accountability
5. The nature of spiritual gifts
6. How to obtain a witness of the truth of his words

When I read Moroni's words this time I felt even more strongly than ever that he was really aware of us in these days and the challenges we would face. That made me feel loved by our Heavenly Father.

How are you feeling about the person or events you are reading about?

Sis. Chris and Sis. Aug Hard at YW Work

While Sis. Chris and I were gone, we really did miss you and think a lot about how much we love you.

We saw amazing waterfalls,

sunny white sand beaches,

black sand beaches and deep gorges,

grasslands at the tippy top of a cinder cone,

colorful flowers,

an active volcano,

a lovely temple,

gorgeous sunsets,

and one of our beautiful young women!