Sunday, May 27, 2012

More Music for Singing Trees

Bring a coat to camp!!
 And remember that eating icicles will make you cold.
Thanks to all who collaborated on writing the words to this Owl City parody! I'm posting this for posterity and for those who want to practice before camp. We'll have to revise the count in the first verse, because there are actually eight of you.

Fireflies Camp Song
You would not believe your world
if seven young First Ward girls
all froze to death at girls camp this year
'cause we turned to icicles.
Just seven girl-sicles
and we might die but we won't live in fear.

'Cause we'd like to make ourselves believe
that pretty soon we can leave,
but we'd like to say that it's nice to stay,
because our cabin's like a home,
so the First Ward's partying at Mia Shalom [echo: Mia Shalom].

Left our door open just a crack
[don't take us away from here],
now we're just frozen maniacs
[don't take us away from here],
but we won't cry or beg or plead
[don't take us away from here],
'cause the spirit's too warm to let us freeze [echo: freeze X3].


Music for Singing Trees

This is the link to the pdf for the hymn that we are doing for singing trees on Wednesday, June 6th. We'll practice again next Sunday. We'll do just the melody lines in the duet part (Be Still My Soul and Where Can I Turn for Peace sung together).

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Happy 100th Birthday to YW Camp

The church has posted some fun history of YW camp, including old songs, recipes, and certification requirements. Look here: 100 Years of YW Camp

What do you think about reinstating the following requirement from the 1915 manual and letting Sis. Chris rest peacefully with a book in a hammock?

“Without help or advice, do all the camp cooking for one day, for four or more persons. Get the wood; furnish suitable character and amounts of food; write the menu, quantities and price of food.”

Only one more week 'til camp!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Stake Girl's Camp Activity

Hi!! Sophie asked me to tell about what I learned at our stake activity. We did first aid training. We learned how to about the four steps to take when someone has been in an acident. 1) Treat for serious inguries 2) Send for help. 3) Treat for shock. 4) Treat other inguries. We also learned how to stop serious injuries, do the heimlich maneuver, and got our own first aid kits.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Packing List for Camp

    Mia Shalom is at 9,000 ft. elevation on the Wasatch Plateau. Daytime temperatures in June will likely be comfortable but cool (average maximums in the high 60s). Rain is likely. Nighttime temperatures could plunge to the 30s, which makes for a cold trip to the biffy in the mornings! 

    Contact Sis. Auger if you need help finding these items. All gear except your sleeping bag & pillow must be at my house on June 4th.

    **Departure: June 5th, 6:30 am @ Stake Center. Buses leave promptly @ 7 am—no waiting!**
    **Return: June 9th, midmorning @ Stake Center**

Very Important
☐    Scriptures (print version)
☐    YW Camp Manual
☐    Journal/pens
☐    Good attitude, smiling face = Fun times
☐    Favorite song, story, game for campfire

General Items
☐    Flashlight
☐    Work gloves
☐    Pocket knife
☐    Camera (optional)
☐    Water bottle
☐    Backpack for day hike

Sleeping System
☐    Warm sleeping bag
☐    Sleeping pad
☐    Pillow

Clothes (Pack enough for 5 days.)
☐    Pajamas
☐    Sturdy shoes (bring an extra pair)
☐    Long pants (to the ankle)
☐    Underwear
☐    Shirts
☐    Socks
☐    Long-sleeved layers
☐    Jacket and Coat, Gloves, Hat
☐    Rain Poncho

Personal Stuff
☐    Medications listed on medical release
☐    First-aid kit
☐    Toothbrush & paste
☐    Comb/brush
☐    Sunscreen

Sunday, May 13, 2012

More Than You Wanted to Know About Fireflies!!

  • Fireflies are not flies; technically, they are beetles. Take it from me---zoologists are not known for their especially accurate common names.
  • There are nearly 2000 species worldwide. You'd think that we'd have at least one in Utah, but the only bioluminescent species we get here is a fungus. Be glad I didn't pick one that for the camp theme.
  • Firefly light is produced by a chemical reaction fueled by good old ATP (remember your Biology!). The chemical is called luciferin (luc-i = light in Latin and fer = to bear or carry). Yes, one could have gospel questions about this.
  • Fireflies use their lights for communication ("about what?" you ask. I'll tell you sometime.)
  • Because our our own cells use ATP for energy, firefly chemicals are useful for studying human metabolic diseases. Scientists can detect the difference between healthy and unhealthy cells (in a petri dish) by observing how intensely the cells glow when luciferin is added.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


For our upcoming YW camp, each ward has chosen a different light source to use as a theme. We are fireflies---aka lightning bugs. To me, they are the essence of "the light within." Be thinking creatively about songs, cheers, inspiring stories, etc. that could incorporate fireflies.

To begin with, imagine sweet Sis. Broadbent telling these jokes, which easily could've been in her repertoire:

#1. A family was camping and Father told his little girl to go to bed before the mosquitoes came out. A little later, the girl started to cry. 

"What's wrong, honey," he asked. 

"Daddy, Daddy, the mosquitoes are coming after us with flashlights!!"

#2. What's a firefly's favorite game?

Red light, green light!